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Renaissance means "rebirth." What was reborn, starting in northern Italy about AD 1300 and lasting until about AD 1550? During this time Europe emerged from the "Dark Ages". Much of the knowledge and artistic skill of the ancient world was rediscovered and extended. Artistry turned from telling religious stories in the simplest possible way to developing the tools and techniques to portray three dimensional things in the two dimensions of the painter's canvas. As Gombrich notes at the start of chapter 17 of The Story of Art the great Renaissance masters achieved three major accomplishments that have influenced Western art to the present. In combination with the Protestant Reformation these set in motion events contributing to the Enlightenment.

The church regarded itself as the interpreter of Christianity for mankind. The bishops of the church, with the bishop of Rome as its head, were known as the majesterium, claiming investiture by Christ through the apostle Peter, as the necessary "gateway" for man to God. This was challenged in the early 1500’s by Martin Luther in a revolt that assumed both religious and political dimensions. Some areas of northern Europe broke away from the Church of Rome forming various "Protestant" denominations of Christianity. This split had major consequences for art and artists.

What to do... just follow these steps as listed!
The steps here are grouped according to what I would cover in class sessions. I suggest that you do each session as a separate "sitting" as if you were preparing for a class session on the indicated material. The only difference is that what I would have said in a class lecture is already available to you in video form and you can "attend" the class session at whatever time of day is convenient to you!

Note: The assigned reading for this unit includes material from the assigned textbook, The Story of Art, as well as from the course workbook, The Historical Foundations of Visual Technology, 4th edition. You can download the full workbook at the course "startup" web page. If you prefer however to download just the workbook pages that are associated with Unit 3 of the course, you may download these 40 pages by clicking on this link.

TO START: Click here to download the USF3 form. Print it and use it to take notes as you read and view. Then use the downloaded copy to edit it and insert the information about art purpose, rules, technology, and impact. If you do this you will be working in the way intended, and you will find that you are most productive in this class!

Session 12: CHAPTER 12 -- THE CONQUEST OF REALITY -- 1400 AD to 1450 AD
Read Chapter 12 of The Story of Art and view video
Read workbook pages 87-89, Intro to Unit 3
Read workbook page 90, A summary of perspective techniques and view videos
Read workbook page 91, Linear perpective history and use and view video
Read workbook pages 92-93, Tromp l'oeil: illusions with linear perspective and view video

Session 13: CHAPTER 13 -- TRADITION AND INNOVATION I -- Italy, 1450 AD to 1500
Read Chapter 13 of The Story of Art and view video
Read workbook page 94, Who is watching and what does He see? and view video
Read workbook page 95, Why didn't perspective develop earlier in the West? and view video

Session 14: CHAPTER 14 -- TRADITION AND INNOVATION II -- N. Europe, AD 1400 to 1500
Read Chapter 14 of The Story of Art and view video 
Read workbook page 96, Four printing processes of the Renaissance and view videos
Read workbook page 97, Fonts: different appearances for the same letters and view video
Read workbook pages 98-99, Printing processes used to produce artworks and view video

Session 15: CHAPTER 15 -- HARMONY ATTAINED -- Tuscany and Rome, AD 1500 to 1550
Read Chapter 15 of The Story of Art and view video    
Read workbook page 100, Egg tempera painting and view video
Read workbook page 101-04, Color technology advances in the Renaissance and view video

Session 16: CHAPTER 16 -- LIGHT AND COLOR -- Venice and northern Italy, AD 1500-50
Read Chapter 16 of The Story of Art and view video
Read workbook page 105-06, Why we see colors: light and paint color mixing and view videos
Read workbook pages 107-14, Introduction to color theory and composition and view videos

Session 17: CHAPTER 17 -- NEW LEARNING SPREADS -- Germany/Holland, AD 1500-50
Read Chapter 17 of The Story of Art and view video
Read workbook page 115, The development of genres of art and view web

Session 18: CHAPTER 18 -- A CRISIS OF ART -- Europe, AD 1550 to 1600
Read Chapter 18 of The Story of Art and view video

Two assignments are due for Unit 3...
Unit Summary Form 3
The editable USF3 form you see on workbook pages 88 and 89 needs to be completed and submitted. You downloaded this from the link at the top of this web page. That download provided you with a copy of the form you can use with your word processor. Type up your notes using the editable USF file and submit that document file in electronic form. Submit your completed (word-processed) file to the dedicated course gmail address. I will give you a score and feedback. You can then revise your USF3 using my feedback and resubmit it for re-grading if it needs "perfecting".

Project 3: Exploring paints, fonts, and colors use
Read and explore workbook pages 116 through 120 and access the web resources for Part 1, Part 2a, and Part 2b. (Click those three links to download information or forms for this work.) Complete all three parts of the project. Submit your work for grading as directed in these instructions. Submit parts of the project as you complete them if you wish, I can give you feedback faster that way! As with the USFs I will give you a score and feedback and you can revise this using my feedback and resubmit it for re-grading.

An optional extra credit project for Unit 3 is located on workbook pages 121-24. If you find the subject matter of this unit interesting you may enjoy going farther with this extra credit. Click here to download the document to use for it..  

** Note that you have available an optional slide download for chapters 12-18 in 3-up form as a .pdf file for note-taking

(C) 2017 James Janossy all rights reserved -- last updated 12/16/2017