You set your own schedule within the term and can re-plan your schedule without penalty | None
of your work depends on the performance of any other student; no group work is
assigned. But it's possible to work in a team-of-two with a friend. Download a
one-page .pdf that describes this option! | No
midterm exam. No quizzes. No discussion boards.
See a short video overview or document of how the coursework ties together for productivity. | Two
books required:
one is free to download
the other costs less than $30 new and
any used edition of it works just as well |
The take-home final is posted 14 days before the end of the term and as with the other work, can be revised and resubmitted.
| Every
assignment is repeatable! You're able to revise and re-submit work for
re-grading based on feedback I give you on your initial submission of it. This
can raise your score but I am convinced that it also increases your learning. | Grades
are not curved. All your scores and all feedback is consolidated on one form
that I update and send you each time I grade more of your work. This accumulates all of my feedback to you in one handy document! Here’s an example | I'm
available as your personal mentor every day from 9 AM to 9 PM at (872)
205-0642 text or voice.
Who am I? Find out here! |